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Absolute Monitoring
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A truly revolutionary way to help troubleshoot issues, Support-on-Demand essentially puts a skilled technician in your computer. We apply a 2-tier approach:

  1. A qualified expert will try and solve the issue over the phone or with a detailed set of step-by-step instructions in cases of how-to questions.
  2. Sometimes a phone conversation can end up going in circles, frustrating both the client and the technician; for this reason we can, with the client's permission, connect to the client's computer and literally resolve the issue before the client's eyes.

Support-on-Demand Model

The ability to remotely control a client's PC will drastically reduce downtime. We have found through our experiences that phone support can only go so far, there are many factors that play in prolonging the successful resolution of an issue including:

  • Client is not able to communicate exactly what the problem is.
  • Technician may use tech jargon that the client can't understand.
  • It may take an uneccessarily long time to follow long step-by-step instructions for a complicated issue.
  • Client is not familiar with other areas of computing outside his/her function and may not be able to accurately describe or follow complicated instructions
  • Technician maybe troubleshooting one issue, when the problem lies elsewhere.

Putting the technician "in the driver's seat" will always solve the problem as quickly and painlessly as possible. Guaranteed.

© Absolute IT Solutions Inc.